Kamen Rider Kiva
Twenty-two years after the disappearance of his father, Wataru Kurenai lives in an infamous "haunted
house" where he is destined as Kamen Rider Kiva to fight life-draining monsters called
Fangires, the very race his father fought years ago before his disappearance.
Wataru must also deal with Kamen Rider Ixa who is part of an organization seeking
to destroy the Fangire menace, as well as the Fangires' own Rider, Kamen Rider Saga. The
story is split between the actions of Wataru in the present (2008-09) and his
father Otoya in the past (1986-87), slowly revealing the link between the
Fangire Race and Kiva.
The characters of Kamen Rider Kiva are
spread throughout two time periods, each related to one another. There are the
actions of Otoya Kurenai and the Fangire Hunter Yuri Aso with the Wolfen Jiro
in the year 1986 with the first Ixa Ver.I that result in the various Fangires that
persist to the current day, in 2008, with Otoya's son Wataru (as Kamen Rider
Kiva) along and Keisuke Nago (as Kamen Rider Ixa Ver.X) and Yuri's daughter
Megumi (also a Fangire Hunter), dealing with the Fangires to prevent deaths.
The story begins in 2008 as the
Antlion Fangire begins to feed at an exhibit room until Megumi intervened as
Nago arrives to slay the monster. However, during their struggle, the Mummy
Legendorga suddenly resurrects and feeds on the humans before using his power
to turn the Antlion Fangire into his slave to aid him in overwhelming Nago with
the Arms Monsters watching the fight. While this occurred, Wataru Kurenai
starts attending a local high school at Shizuka's suggestion after a welfare
officer visited him and quickly befriends Natsuki Tsukue, who tries to get
Wataru to join several clubs where he fails in each one while trying to ask her
if she would like to start a violin club after hearing her play, she refuses
out right.
that night, death row inmate Takashi Sugimura escaped from prison and the
pursuing police officers by means of a dark power possessing him, with Nago
going after him under advisement from Mamoru Shima to capture the fugitive with
caution as he may be a Fangire. When Nago finds Sugimura, he chases the fugitive
all the way to Wataru's high school and takes Natsuki hostage, but she is freed
by the joint efforts of Wataru and Nago. However, the Medusa and Mummy
Legendorgas appear to Sugimura's aid when he was being escorted back to jail,
overpowering Ixa as Kiva arrives. They overpower the riders until another
figure named Takato Shiramine appears, transforming into Kamen Rider Rey and
driving the two Legendorgas off as they take Sugimura with them, waking him as
their Lord.
the cafe, as Shiramine explains the Legendorgas, Wataru finds that the current
crisis started when Sugimura attempted to break out of jail by using the famous
violinist Towa Sakakibara as a hostage in 1986 and broke the Legendorgas' seal.
With this knowledge, Wataru asks the Arm Monsters permission to use Castle
Doran's Time Door to go back in time to prevent Sugimura's actions. While
trying to get Sakakibara to cancel her concert, he is stopped by Otoya who was
convinced he was a Fangire and tries to beat him. After another attempt to talk
to her, Wataru is attacked by Yuri after Otoya tells her about him as the
police arrive to arrest Otoya on the impression he's the criminal. Forced to
take Wataru in a stolen police car, Otoya is shocked when Wataru recognized him
as his father. Wataru attempts to prove himself with his cellphone and money
before he and his father are both sent to Kanto West Prison where Towa is to
perform as Sugimura takes her hostage to escape. But Otoya knocks out a guard
named Sanjou so he and Wataru can get out of their cell to save Towa and
restrain Sugimura.
Wataru returns to his time under the impression he succeeded, Sanjou turns out
to be the Zebra Fangire that attacks Otoya before trying to kill Towa. But Yuri
arrives to allow Otoya to kill the Fangire as Ixa, causing the chain of events
where Sugimura escapes and uncovers the tomb of the Legendorga Lord, invoking
the spirit within it. When Wataru returns to his time, he is targeted by people
under the control of the Mummy and Medusa Legendorgas, with the Gargoyle
Legendorga overseeing their attack. Luckily, Otoya and Yuri arrive to aid their
future children, later bonding with them before Otoya reveals that Towa
Sakakibara is the stage name of Natsumi Tsukue, Natsuki's mother. Otoya is
enjoying the present and its perks after disguising Wataru so he wouldn't be
attacked, meeting up with Shiramine before he is distracted by a young woman
named Sayaka as Shiramine tells Wataru that Kiva's destruction will soon come
as Sayaka reveals herself as the Medusa Legendorga.
Kiva to fight the Legendorgas, he summons Buroon Booster which he uses to
destroys the Mandrake Legendorga as the Arm Monsters arrive to aid Kiva in
fighting the remaining three in both their true forms and in their weapon
forms. However, as his friends drive the monsters off, Kiva is attacked by Rey
who reveals that he is on the Legendorgas' side as he then takes the Aso girls
hostage. Later at the cafe, after Otoya plays Natsumi's song to help Natsuki
finally accept her mother, Rey-kivat arrives with orders to take Wataru to the
Legendorgas' castle. After knocking his father out, Wataru arrives at the
castle and is brought before Sugimura, who reveals himself to be the vessel of
the Legendorga Lord Arc who was defeated by the original Kiva and uses his
power to force Wataru's Fangire blood to manifest into Kiva's Flight Style.
Under Arc's control, Wataru is forced to have Otoya relinguish his Ixa Knuckle
as Nago arrives to help. But once he loses his Ixa Knuckle, Yuri and Megumi
arrive after freeing themselves and use their time-respective Ixa Knuckles to
fight the Legendorgas with Otoya managing to snap his son out of Arc's spell as
the Aso girls kill the Medusa Legendorga.
Sugimura decides to kill Wataru as they both assume their Rider Forms as the
Ixa Knuckles are returned to Otoya and Nago who fight the Mummy Legendorga and
Rey, respectively. Nago eventually gets the best of Rey, destroying him with
the Ixa Judgement, while Otoya eventually destroys the Mummy Legendorga, even though
his Save Mode helmet is heavily damaged in the process. While this occurred,
Kiva is forced to assume Emperor Form to deal with the larger opponent,
weakening him enough so he can be defeated by both of the Kurenai family
Riders. However, Arc absorbs the power of the Legendorga race by sucking the
eye on the moon into himself to become Legend Arc to kill them. Kiva then
transforms into Emperor Form's Flight Style to fight Legend Arc in a battle
across the city, until Castle Doran comes to Kiva's aid, finally allowing Kiva
to perform a Rider Kick with enough force to slam Arc into the moon, leaving a
gigantic crater and destroying him for good. After everything returns to
normal, Otoya performs alongside his son on their violins at Wataru's school before
he and Yuri return to their time. Once they left, Wataru is joined by Natsuki
as the two perform a duet.
Shortly after the credits, Ryutaros just finished watching watching this
movie. Momotaros barges in mad because Ryutaros didn't
wait for him. The two watch short cartoons films featuring the Taros themselfs.
Momotaros is mad of the outcomes because he was the one that always dies and
Ryutaros always comes out on top. Ryutaros transforms into Go-On Red and Ixa
during the shorts. Kintaros and Urataros comes in and say they just solved the
theater mystery.
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