Kamen Rider Decade
The story revolves around the nine previous universes of
the Kamen Riders from the Heisei era merging into one, something that
would destroy all the worlds. To prevent this, Tsukasa Kadoya transforms into Kamen
Rider Decade and is told that to protect his own world he must travel with Natsumi
and her grandfather to the other Kamen Riders' Worlds (referred to as an A.R.
World or Another Rider's World) and eliminate the anomaly in that world. Along
the way, confronting the mysterious Narutaki and the thief Daiki
Kaito, they are joined
by Yusuke
Onodera of the World of Kuuga and Kivala of the World of Kiva.
The Hikari Studio arrives in a new A.R. World where, after
seeing that Tsukasa's photos of this world are coming out perfectly, Natsumi
realizes they may be in Tsukasa's home world: the World of Decade. Finding a
mansion depicted on the backdrop that took them here, Tsukasa and company enter
and meet a girl named Sayo, who identifies Tsukasa as her older brother.
Tsukasa still cannot remember as Sayo's caretaker Nobuhiko Tsukikage arrives to
tell that Tsukasa's arrival has distorted the world and this can only be fixed
by the strongest Kamen Rider existing in this world. After his memories return,
Tsukasa orders Nobuhiko to summon every Rider for a tournament to determine the
strongest one. After numerous matches, it comes down to a 6-man tag team match
between the team of Decade, Kuuga, and Diend vs. V3, BLACK, and Super-1. Upon
victory, Tsukasa and company end up into a giant castle with Yusuke and Natsumi
finding themselves in the throne room surrounded by monsters as Eijiro appears,
only to reveal himself as Doctor Shinigami as Yusuke and Natsumi learn that
they are in Dai-Shocker's base of operations as the organization welcomes
Tsukasa's return as Dai-Shocker's leader.
Ending up in the dungeon, Natsumi and Yusuke
are ejected into the sewers while coping with these shocking revelations.
Arriving to the Kadoya mansion, only to learn that Nobuhiko and Sayo are with
Dai-Shocker as well. With Nobuhiko as Shadow Moon and Sayo uses the powers she
has from the Stone of the Earth to attack Yusuke, unleashing the greatest and
most dangerous of Kuuga's powers within him. Yusuke tells Natsumi to run away
before the powers are unleashed. Nobuhiko and Sayo then approach Tsukasa, who
reveal their plans to overthrow him.
Sayo tells Tsukasa that she cannot forgive him
for abandoning her and has now become High Priestess Bishium. Nobuhiko attacks
Tsukasa with the Satan Saber and drops him into the sewers, where he is
attacked by Yusuke as Kuuga Rising Ultimate, under the control of Sayo. Though
Tsukasa escapes, Nobuhiko orders an attack on the city to eliminate all of
Dai-Shocker's enemies. Tsukasa goes to the Hikari Studio to try to reconcile
with Natsumi, who can no longer trust him knowing that he was the leader of
Dai-Shocker. Tsukasa pleads with her as the Hikari Studio is now his only home,
but Natsumi still refuses, as she is now alone in the world.
Later, Natsumi finds herself in the middle of
Dai-Shocker's attack on the city when Narutaki comes to save her. They run off
and are then saved by Daiki who had disguised himself as one of the attacking
Shocker Soldiers. Narutaki tells Daiki that the only way to possibly save the
world is to gather the rest of the Kamen Riders. Elsewhere, with no one to turn
to, Tsukasa is confronted by Jōji Yūki who attempts to get revenge on him for
having lost his arm while working for Dai-Shocker. He is about to finish
Tsukasa off until he realizes that Tsukasa has changed and that he is now
Dai-Shocker's target. Yūki pulls off his arm, revealing its robotic replacement
and allows Tsukasa to escape as he prepares his transformation into Riderman.
Back with Natsumi and Narutaki, Diend has
summoned Ohja and Kick Hopper to help them fight Dai-Shocker, but the two
Riders decide that they would rather side with Dai-Shocker instead. Diend
summons Raia, Gai, and Punch Hopper to deal with their new enemies before they
are attacked by the evil Kamen Riders. But they are ambushed by a Dai-Shocker
platoon under General Jark as Tsukasa arrives, now intent on fighting
Dai-Shocker and saving his friends. With Diend's aid, Decade drives off the
monsters as Jark is destroyed by Diend.
Making their way to Dai-Shocker's castle,
Tsukasa, Natsumi and Daiki are confronted by the entire Dai-Shocker army led by
Doctor Shinigami and Ambassador Hell as Ikadevil and Garagaranda. Things seem
bleak until all of the other Riders arrive. After Garagaranda and Ikadevil are
destroyed, the Bishium-controlled Kamen Rider Kuuga Rising Ultimate arrives to
kill Decade. Upon realizing that he is actually talking to his sister, Tsukasa
makes Sayo realize that Shadow Moon is only using her to further his goals.
Sayo realizes the error of her ways, and destroys the Stone of the Earth,
freeing Yusuke of her control.
Together, Decade, and Kuuga Rising Ultimate
fight Shadow Moon, but are overpowered, until the new Kamen Rider Double
arrives. Double takes out Shadow Moon on their own before taking his leave. All
of the other Riders join Decade in an All Rider Kick, destroying Shadow Moon
and the Dai-Shocker castle. This awakens King Dark as Diend arrives with Kamen
Rider J. Using the Decadriver Final FormRide card, he turns Decade into the
Jumbo Decadriver which then turns J into Decade Complete Form Jumbo Formation
and he destroys King Dark. After parting ways with the Riders, and making
amends with Sayo, Tsukasa decides to continue his journey within the Hikari Studio,
his true home, where Eijiro appears
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