The story focuses on Kenichi Shirahama, a
15-year-old high school student and a long-time victim of bullying. At the
beginning of the story, he befriends transfer student Miu Fūrinji; and desires
to become stronger, he follows her to Ryōzanpaku, a dojo housing
several masters of diverse martial arts, led by her grandfather Hayato Fūrinji.
After learning basics from Miu, Kenichi overcomes a high-ranking member of the
school's karate club, and becomes a target for all the delinquents in
the school. While initially training to protect himself, Kenichi eventually
becomes a full disciple of Ryōzanpaku, and becomes enamored of Miu.
Subsequently, Kenichi's daily routine is divided between training under the six
masters of Ryōzanpaku, and his fights against the members of 'Ragnarok', a gang
of bullies trying alternately to recruit or to vanquish him. After Ragnarok is
disbanded, Kenichi and Miu are targeted by Yomi, a group of disciples
personally trained by a master of an organization rivaling Ryōzanpaku, Yami.
While the masters of Ryōzanpaku and their allies follow the principle of always
sparing their opponents' lives (Katsujin-ken), the members of Yami believe that
any means of defeating an opponent is valid, including murder (Satsujin-ken).
In the struggle between the two factions, Kenichi, Miu, and their allies fight
the members of Yomi, while his masters confront the members of Yami. The
conflict between the two factions culminate with the final battle to stop
Yami's main objective, which is to usher a new era of chaos and warfare in the
world, also known as "The Eternal Sunset". Once the Eternal Sunset is
prevented and their main leader is defeated, Yami and Yomi are disbanded as
well. Kenichi then continues to train at Ryōzanpaku, and years later he becomes
a famous novelist, but it's hinted that he also becomes Miu's husband and a
martial arts master more powerful than her grandfather, the Elder, who had
always sworn he would only allow Miu to marry someone capable of defeating him
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